“Take it out on”: idiom meaning.

Take it out on
If something bad happens to you and you are angry and you start talking badly to another person and treating him/her badly like she was responsible for the bad situation that’s happened to you, you take it out on this person. This person is not responsible for this bad thing that’s happened to you but in the moment of anger you treat him/her badly because you are angry.

Other examples of “Take it out on” idiom in a sentence

  • Don’t take it out on me! I didn’t reveal your secret!
  • I’m sorry I took it out on you. It wasn’t your fault.
  • I’m so angry. Please, go away before I’ll take it out on you.

“Take it out on”: use in context explanation

The teacher is giving back the class tests with marks. Pippa got an “F”. She is shocked and angry. She wasn’t prepared and hadn’t studied for the test so she cheated and copied all the answers from Tara, but the answers were wrong and now she is blaming the classmate for failing the test.