“Can’t make it”: idiom meaning.

Can’t make it
I can’t/it’s impossible for me to come to a place. You can say “I can’t make it” plus the time (I can’t make it at 5.00) and it means you will not be able to come at 5.00 and maybe you can come later.

Other examples of “can’t make it” idiom in a sentence

  • I can’t make it tomorrow. I’m working.
  • I can’t make it to the meeting.
  • I think I can’t make it today. I’ll call you later.

“Can’t make it”: use in context explanation

Jane has been invited to a party which starts at 6 p.m but she is still not ready. She’s just put a cucumber mask on her face. Her friend calls her on the phone and asks if she is coming. Jane replies she can’t make it at 6.00 because she is still at work (which is obviously not true).