“You got me”: idiom meaning.

You got me
You say “you got me” if you have believed when someone told you untrue things as a joke. Someone got you when they managed to fool you, trick you. When you discover they’ve fooled you, you can say “you got me”.

Other examples of “you got me” idiom in a sentence

  • So you’re not going on the Moon? Oh, you got me.
  • So it was a joke. You got me, then.
  • You got me. I believed it all.

“You got me”: use in context explanation

Richard never remembers the date of their wedding anniversary. Therefore, Jane decides to play a joke on him and tells him it is today, even if it’s not true. The man believes his wife and runs out to buy a bunch of flowers. When he comes home with the flowers, the wife tells him she was joking.