“No big deal”: idiom meaning.

No big deal
If something is “not a big deal” it is not something big, important. For example if someone does someone else a favour and says it’s “no big deal” he/she is saying it didn’t cost him/her much, it didn’t cost him/her much effort, it wasn’t so difficult or it’s not so important, not so serious.

Other examples of “no big deal” idiom in a sentence

  • -I don’t know how to thank you! –No big deal.
  • Don’t feel bad. It’s not such a big deal. We will resolve the problem.
  • It’s just a flu, no big deal.

“No big deal”: use in context explanation

Jane wants her husband to maintain a healthy eating lifestyle but he doesn’t like vegetables and low-fat food. He loves hamburgers but pretends he is following his wife’s diet to make her happy. Jane is very proud of Richard and he says it’s no big deal after all (he’s going to eat a hamburger later).