“Come across”: phrasal verb meaning.

Come across
When you “come across” something you find it by chance. It means you wearing searching for this particular thing but you find it. For example, you’re reading a magazine and you come across an interesting receipe for pasta.

Other examples of “Come across” phrasal verb in a sentence

  • I came across Brad Pitt yesterday! Can you believe it? (I saw him on the street)
  • I was reading a newspaper and I came across a very offensive article.
  • I have come across many strange people in my life.

“Come across”: use in context explanation

It’s Saturday and Jane has finally found some free time to clean the house. She starts with hoovering, she gets the hoover but it doesn’t work. She gets upset and calls her husband for help. Richard looks at the hoover, then he looks at her and starts laughing. His wife has forgotten to put the plug in the socket.