“Laugh off”: phrasal verb meaning.

Laugh (it) off
If an embarassing situation happens and you “laugh it off” you don’t worry about it and you don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed but you laugh at the situation and laugh at your mistakes and laugh at this embarrassing moment and then you forget about it and don’t feel bad because of it.

Other examples of “laugh off” phrasal verb in a sentence

  • It was embarrassing but laugh it off.
  • Don’t listen to what they say, just laugh it off.
  • I tried to laugh it off but I still feel upset about it.

“Laugh off”: use in context explanation

Jane and her husband are leaving their house to go to a restaurant when suddenly their dog starts doing a wee on the man’s foot. The woman tells her husband it’s funny and he should not worry about it but he should just laugh it off.